A family recipes website that allows users to create, view, update and delete recipes. This was made to modernize my family's recipe book and allow anyone to access them.
Tech stack: React-Go-MongoDB, hosted on Vercel / Google Cloud Run / Mongo Atlas
Our optimal marking recognition software allows instructors to manage courses and exams, upload answer keys and student test data to be marked by an opencv Flask API that will automatically input student responses to display their grades to them.
Tech stack: React-Express-PostgreSQL and Flask
Dromedary dromedary dromedary is a clone of the website camelcamelcamel.com. The app pulls data from fakestoreapi.com, then populates the page with the data. The system tracks user interactions for the 'Hot Items' display. Users can view each item individually to check reviews and information.
Tech stack: PHP-MySQL using the LAMP stack